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Featured Falcons: Dawn Makofski

November 21, 2024

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo?
Dawn Makofski, assistant director of Human Resources, Talent Acquisition and HRIS, and deputy Title IX coordinator for students.

Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in?
I’m from Montevallo and currently reside in Maylene.

If you hold any degrees, what are they in and from what schools?
A Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration from UM.

How long have you worked here? 
16 and a half years.

Did you hold any previous positions here? If so, what are they?
Assistant comptroller and senior associate athletic director/senior woman administrator.

What brought you to Montevallo?
I grew up in Shelby County and graduated from Montevallo High School. Having been across the street from the University during high school, I was extremely familiar with the University and campus. For me, it just made sense that I would attend UM.

What’s the best thing about working for Montevallo?
There are so many wonderful things about working for Montevallo. I have enjoyed the relationships that I have built with faculty, staff and students over the years. We have so many talented, passionate and caring individuals that walk our brick streets.

Do you have any interesting stories about one of your favorite experiences here?
As a student, trips with the Michael E. Stephens College of Business (to Paris, France and Quebec, Canada) were amazing opportunities for this small-town girl. As an employee, seeing students come in as freshmen, progress to graduation and then being invited to weddings and/or having them drop in to see you with their own families has been very rewarding.

What’s your proudest accomplishment since being at UM?
Being the recipient of the Outstanding Staff Service Award in 2015 and completing my MBA in 2022.

Why do you belong at Montevallo?
I belong at Montevallo because everyone belongs at Montevallo. The University has provided me with lifelong friendships, life lessons and professional experiences.

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